Business Analysis & Process Engineering

Identifying your business needs to help determine solutions to the business problem. This can be systems but can also consist of process improvement, organisational change and even policy development.

Improving your processes can result in improving your business. Process improvement is the proactive task of identifying, analysing and improving your existing business processes. Process improvement is measurable by enhancements of the quality; customer satisfaction; increased productivity; efficiency and increased profit resulting in a higher ROI.

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Implementation Training & Support

A smooth, timely, and within budget implementation is a successful implementation be it large or small scale. It requires good planning, coordination and collaboration with stake holders, business partners and staff. This is best done by providing pre and post implementation support and guidance to facilitate a smooth, seamless implementation.

Face to face or classroom training can often be more effective than self-learning. When holding training sessions, you should also consider other ways that the teams can help their colleagues, which in turn strengthens knowledge in the organisation. Granting key user status is a great opportunity for employees wanting that additional recognition and even providing leadership opportunities.

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Standardising Processes & Organisational Change

In today’s dynamic environment, change management is a fundamental part of business. Change is important for any organisation, because without change businesses can lose their competitive edge. Change is used to increase productivity, quality and employee skills. One of the largest challenges for continuous improvement is overcoming change in an organisation. Change management entails thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation. Good communication and consultation with, and involvement of, the people affected by the change.

Standardisation of processes improves cooperation between internal organisational teams, business partners and customers. It can also reduce complexities over coordination, provide better visibility, reduce costs and help reduce administrative tasks. Example processes are: Change Management; Release Management; Team Alignment; Requirements; Support & Demand

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